Monday 29 September 2008

Get Rid Of Belly Fat - Sticking To It When Eating Out

If you want to get rid of belly fat, are you at risk for breaching your diet commitment when you eat out with your friends? Read this article for various tips to help you mentally prepare for that next restaurant outing.

If you know that eating at a restaurant is one of your weaknesses then you can remember the following nine suggestions:

Ask for a nutrition guide and a menu ahead of time. Not only do most restaurants nowadays have menus for the purpose of checking prices that you can look at before your meal but also nutrition guide. The reason why restaurants have these guides is because it is actually good for business for them to promote reduced fat and heart healthy foods on their menu. This could be your most valuable resource that you have.

Ask for smaller portions. You can have the size of your food reduced if you ask the server to prepare smaller sized portions for you. Many times you can even find smaller portioned foods on the menu as well, such as a 1/8-pound burger versus a ¼ pound burger and so forth.

Try to avoid buffet restaurants. It is possible to find restaurants with enough variety on their menus that you do not need to go to a place that has a huge tempting buffet. Besides, normally when you are charged for a buffet you usually are only being charged for the amount of food that you could eat anyway. Often you can eat at a restaurant for similar prices as a buffet and still feel satisfied.

Order tasty low fat desert alternatives. If it is summer many people like frozen deserts such as ice cream. However, ice cream has quite a few calories and fat grams. A great alternative would be frozen yogurt treats. Even sundaes can be made with different flavors of frozen yogurt. Also, many restaurants will offer low fat versions of chocolate, strawberry, or cherry cheesecakes as well. Another ideal low fat desert alternative would be gelatin deserts with non-fat, non-dairy whipped topping on them. Pudding is another option for pies that is often available in a low fat version.

Go with friends who support your fat loss plan. When you choose the right friends it is easier not to fall into peer pressure. Your true friends will respect your decision to diet and watch your weight. Furthermore, they will not try to rub it in too much that they eat certain foods that you do not eat. Likewise, whenever possible, they may decide to even follow for one evening the same diet you do in order to help you out. Choose your friends wisely and go out with people who support your weight loss plan. This will not be possible in every case, because as in the case of some organized groups you have no say of who is their or not. However, you will have many options to choose who you want to go to dinner with and this will help you immensely.

You will be able to have fun and socialize and still lose weight if you follow one or more of the above-mentioned nine suggestions.

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