Sunday 5 October 2008

Get Rid Of Belly Fat With Walking

Walking is one of the easiest ways to get rid of belly fat because it is less strenuous than jogging. It is a better solution for those who have not exercised in a long time.

There are different types of walks that you can take in order to reduce your weight. The first is the casual lightweight walk, which is the leisurely type of walk. This type of walk is the least effective, however, and is the least likely of all the types of walking that will help you lose weight. It is a good place to start, and recommended for warm-up, but if you want to burn enough fat you have to try to pick up the pace as much as you can.

If you get tired while you are walking, you can slow down gradually and walk at a lesser pace. However, you need to remember not to speed up and slow down too quickly. That would be too hard on your heart. The best way to slow down and speed up is gradually, in order to prevent you from going into shock.

Treadmills are a great way to walk, especially during the hottest days of summer because it is an exercise you can do indoors. This is ideal for those who risk the possibility of suffering heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. This is also a way to help keep you from becoming dehydrated, and is an alternative way for you to keep track of how many calories or fat you have burned.

If you keep track of your miles that you walk then you can figure out how many calories or fat grams that you have burned. This will help you plan your regular walking exercise routine. However, if you do not have an electronic way to keep track, you can figure it out mathematically. Formulas for figuring out how much fat you have burned can be found in numerous expert dieting books. You can also find this information out from your doctor.

If you follow all of the above tips regarding walking as your workout, you will lose weight. Not only that, but you and your body will feel great.

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